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How to Search for a Job


If you have recently completed your education and you are looking for a job, I have written an article on "how to find a job without experience". If you need help you can read it.

You can get more information on the internet about your field of interest and in which you are searching for a job and nowadays your mobile phone is the best to start with.

Find a Person to Help

It is better to see someone who is already working in the same sector in which you are interested to get a job. Inform him about your academic qualification and let him know that you want to work in the same field and you are seeking his help & guidance in this regard.

Software and Tools

Get information about the software or tools which are being used in this job and get some training from an institute or from the internet (YouTube is the cheapest and easiest way to get started).

If you are already using such software or tools, increase your ability to use them up to the advanced level.

So that when you go out to look for a job, you get priority over others.

I have seen a number of people who do not align themselves with new developments & techniques in their field and are sticking with the same old methods someone taught them way back. It's better to keep yourself updated and learn new methods of improvements, for example if you are working with MS Excel the use of formulas will not only help you to get the work done faster but will ensure the accuracy as well.

If you want better opportunities from others, it is important to be updated with software or tools you are using.


It is also important to know what specific skills you need in the field of your interest.

For example, if you are a salesman or searching for a job in public relations, you should be very good in communication skills.


Your CV plays a key role in finding a dream job. Your CV will help you to get the interview.

I have already written an article on "how to prepare a good CV" to get a job. You can get help from this article to make a good CV.

LinkedIn Profile

You may already know about LinkedIn and the chances are that you already have a profile on it. If not, create a profile on it. LinkedIn is a huge network of professionals. There are professionals from every field. There are many real jobs directly posted by the companies HR, Managers or other staff.

Many of my contacts have found jobs from this platform.

You should add the targeted companies in your network to increase your chances of getting a job and also add other people working in your targeted sector to grow your network for future reference.

Put a status on LinkedIn that you are available for the job.

Now the question is that there are so many jobs on LinkedIn so how to find the right one for you. There are some ways to get closer.

For example, if you are a graphic designer and you want to find a job in Lahore, Pakistan, enter the data in the LinkedIn search bar according to the image below.

Select Posts from the filter.

Now select Latest in Sort by.

In the results you will find graphic designer jobs in Lahore as you can see in the image below.

How to Search a Job
LinkedIn Advance Search

If you are an accountant and want to find a job in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, enter the data in the LinkedIn search bar in the following way.

Select Posts from the filter.

Now select Latest in Sort by.

In the results you will find the jobs of an accountant in Abu Dhabi as you can see in the image below.

How to Look for a Job
LinkedIn Advance Search

There are some more filters that can help you to be more specific on your job search. These techniques not only will save your time but more specifically means more chances of getting a job.

Company’s Websites

Nowadays, almost all companies have websites and they publish their available vacancies on their website. Even if you do not find the one you are looking for on their website, you can upload your CV in their database by following the instructions on the website.

In the future, if they have a job and you fulfil their requirements, they will contact you.

An engineer who worked with me got a job in Saudi Arabia two years after uploading a CV to a well reputed company.

Find the best companies in your field and make a list then go to their websites and upload your CV. There can be a job opportunity for you in the future.

Company Offices

You may approach the companies of your interest by searching their address on the internet, visit their office and ask the front desk if there is any hiring currently and check if they are accepting printed CV, required to send by email or to submit through their website.

Job websites

These days there are many job websites on the internet. You can find many filters to make your job search more specific.

Local newspaper

You can also find job advertisements in local newspapers and submit your CV to the advertisers. Some accept CVs through email, some require to visit their office on a specific date along with some requirements, if you are not clear it is better to call them if they have provided a phone number on the advertisement.


Let everyone know in your circle of friends who are currently employed, that you are in the search of a job. Ask them if there are any job opportunities in their own company or in the other companies of their circle.

In many companies, jobs are filled by reference before even advertising. Many managers prefer to hire someone who is referred to by a trusted employee. Keeping in touch with many people can increase your chances of finding a job.

For this you can compile a list of people with their names and mobile numbers and then keep in touch with them from time to time for updates.

Build good relationships with people in your field so that when they have a chance, they will prefer you on others.

Things to Keep in Mind While Searching for a Job

When searching on the internet, you will see a lot of jobs advertised on many websites. Not all such jobs are real and you should take care before applying.

If the job advertisement contains the company name and the company's e-mail, which usually ends with the company's name, such as "", etc., then such advertisements are usually genuine and you can email your CV.

Take a closer look at the publication date of an advertisement to make sure that the advertisement is current and not outdated.

If you see an online job advertisement but there is no email address to apply for, but instead there is a link to apply and if you click that and you land not on the job advertised company’s website, further it required to have an account before to apply, the chances are that this might be a recruiting website if website is reputed one you can create an account (it's your own decision). But keep in mind that there are many who have no real jobs and once you create an account and give your email, later they are spamming so, be careful.

On the other hand, you can do one thing, go to the company's own website who has advertised a job, find the career page or Contact Us page and submit your CV directly.

You can also get information on whether they are hiring or not by making a direct call to the number given on the company's Contact Us page.

You must have the MS Word file of your CV and a PDF file, directly converted from MS Word to PDF, because many companies search CV databases with keywords and If your CV is scanned one, it will be unsearchable with keywords.

You should have your attested (attestation depends upon your situation whether you are applying inside the country or outside your own country, make sure that your certificates are attested by all required departments) certificates, national identity card or scanned copies of passport but keep in mind that you will not attach these documents with your CV.

The original documents may be required to show at the time of interview or after your selection, company may ask you to provide the scanned copies.

You should have a picture of yourself, face should be clearly visible, some companies may not accept a picture with a hat or cap on head. Picture should be readily available, if required can be sent by email or as instructed.

You must have extra printed copies of your CV, attested Certificates, National Identity Card or Passport.

10 to 15 nos. of printed passport size photographs of yourself that you may need at any time.

I hope this article will help you to “find a Job where you can shine”.

More articles like this are in the way, if interested keep visiting.

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